Remoter’s Life: Maxi Frini

This week’s featured Remote Worker is Maxi Frini, an Audio Engineer, Musician and Music Producer, from Argentina who travels the world with his wife. At the moment they are in Egypt. This is how he makes remote work, work for him.

5 min readJul 16, 2021


Q: Maxi, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m an Audio Engineer, Musician, and Music Producer, from Argentina, currently traveling around the world with my wife. I’m absolutely passionate about music and audio in general and have been fortunate enough to make this my career.

I discovered what freelancing was a few years ago and knew that’s what I wanted to do since it would give me the freedom to keep pursuing my professional and creative goals while not being tied up to a country or a city.

I enjoy listening to and playing music, getting to know new places, people, and cultures, reading, learning, and exercising.

Q: Can you tell us more about your job?

I get involved with different types of clients and this is one of the things I like the most about what I do. This means working with musicians or producers who need their music edited, mixed, and mastered, podcast production and post-production, audiobooks production, audio restoration, audio post-production for videos, meditations, etc.

Depending on the project, I might take the role of the producer, editor, or mixing and mastering engineer, and while they are different, I find that they all allow me to be creative from a different perspective and that’s one of the things I enjoy the most.

Q: Do you have a dedicated space to work?

I used to, but since I started traveling, I don’t anymore. Nowadays, I only need my gear and a fast and stable internet connection. Of course, this is sometimes a challenge, depending on the country I’m staying in at the moment, so I might need to be creative to find a solution. Due to the nature of my work, I tend to avoid Cafes or crowded places since they tend to be loud and I need quiet spaces, but I do rely on them when I have to and still make it work!

Q: What does your typical workday look like?

I wake up at 4.45 am and start working out right away. After that, I meditate, journal, and read.

I’m most productive during the mornings and it’s definitely my favorite part of the day. After that, I prepare mate (it’s a kind of Argentinean tea, but not quite!) and turn on my laptop, check my emails and messages and tackle the first task of the day.

I stop for lunch at around 1 pm and after that, I move forward with whatever I have left to complete the tasks I have scheduled.

I like to stay organized so I rely on my calendar and my to-do lists. I also take regular breaks because it’s very easy to get burnt out if I don’t. I usually finish working at around 6 pm but this depends largely on my mood and the amount of work I have.

If I’m having a rough day and feel like moving forward is a struggle, I might call it a day and go to the beach or for a walk around the city. While I do rely on my routines and structures, I also give myself the freedom to relax and disconnect if I need to.

Q: What tools do you use to stay productive?

Google Calendar, , , , .

Q: What is your current workspace setup?

Laptop, Apogee Duet 2, Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro and Audio Technica ath-m40x (headphones), Akai MPK Mini 2, and external HDDs.

Q: What’s your favourite unplugged activity?

Going outdoors and discovering the place I’m staying at, at the moment. Getting to know the history, the culture, the people. Also, playing and listening to music. It’s the whole reason why I started doing what I do now.

Q: What do you like most about working remotely?

The freedom to be anywhere in the world and getting to choose my working schedule.
I also love being able to decide which projects I work on. This drives my motivation forward and makes me a better professional every day. Working remotely has also allowed me to get involved with people from all around the world, which has given me a huge perspective in terms of professional goals and interpersonal relationships. Finally, not having to commute anywhere. It gave me hours of my life back!

Thank you Maxi!

Maxi’s LinkedIn profile:
Maxi on Instagram:

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